Monday, July 17, 2017

Milestones Don't Stop At A Year

     Everyone talks about “Belly to Baby” photography session options, and I have those, they’re wonderful!!! However, let’s not stop thinking about annual or semi annual shots of them as they grow. They still grow and change so fast, and those school photos often miss their personalities. Yes, their hair is combed and they may even be smiling, but they’re seated in the “year book” pose. I’m not knocking the year book photo, I have five children and I love their year book photos and I add them to their school memory book every single year, but their personality just isn’t in the photo. It’s not personal. 

I have two cheerleaders, a trumpet player, saxophone player, basketball player, baseball player, and a princess and you can’t see that in these photos. 

This year my 3rd daughter will be cheering for her school’s basketball team, thats a milestone. After 4 years at her elementary school she is moving upstairs and able to cheer— this is a milestone we’re excited to share with her, and I’m going to want some photos for her memory book. 
Whatever milestones are happening in your big kids lives, give me a call and let’s capture those moments!!

First Communion is a beautiful milestone!!! 
Studio and On-Site options!


                                                                                                                              Personalized sports photos are a fun session!!

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