Saturday, July 29, 2017

Posed Newborn In-Studio / Lifestyle Newborn Photography

What is the difference between in-studio posed newborn photography and lifestyle in-home photography with Flash Photo Studios? 

Sometimes expecting families will ask what the difference is, and I do the best I can to explain it in a quick few sentences. Today I will elaborate with a few images to show!!

Posed Newborn Photography: 

The mother and baby (sometimes dad and siblings) come into my studio and we take the time to snuggle baby to sleep, and using posing pods, bean bags, bucks, and many other props I take baby’s portraits.  
 If there is a family shot, it is often in front of a simple backdrop focusing on the family. 

Lifetsyle In-Home Newborn Photos: 

These are done in the families home. They’re still “posed” I’ll make sure that no one is sitting in an unbecoming way!! :) They’re on the couch, in the beds and bedrooms— sometimes the kitchen! Places where the family spends their time doing activities they do together. 

I hope this helps a little!!

For a quick guide on preparing for your newborn session:

Also, Available: 
I do not advertise for this, but I do understand that sometimes mamas do not want to bring their new babies out of the house after only a few days to a week, in which case I can bring my studio set-up to your home for the option to have both posed newborn and lifestyle family. Please ask me for details and pricing if you’re interested!!!

Photographer, Boutique Owner, Cheer Coach, Mother of Five, Wife, and Dreamer in Jacksonville, North Carolina. 


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