Sunday, July 30, 2017


I am super excited about this one!!

As a mother with five children I wish I had the time and money to have their photos taken (by someone else... they won't smile for me!) for every single milestone in our lives!!

I want photos taken when my family has milestones- Not just holidays. This year (Jan-Aug alone) I  have had 3 birthday sessions, baseball, basketball, cheerleading, saxophone, graduation, dance, family, Valentines Day, and First Communion Photos. I took them all, but my children don't make nice faces for me!! It's called "Photographer's Child Syndrome" you can google it!!!

So, I thought about what I would like to have and use!! I value photographers time, and work- but I also wish I could have images taken more than just once or twice a year. So, after begging my children to sit still and please help me, I came up with a plan!! (I should have done a model call. I can make other children laugh and smile all day long!)

1 year family membership $150 
Comes with No session fee, 1- 4x6 print box, and 1 USB 

Hi-Resolution Image Packages: 
a. 3- $75
b. 5- $120
c. 10- $195

Add 4x6 Prints: 
3- $10 , 5- $15, 10- $30, Add an 8x10 $25

Print Packages: 
1. 3-4x6s, 2-5x7s, 1-8x10, & 2 digital images $115
2. 4 wallets, 5-4x6s, 3-5x7s, 1-8x10, $ 3 digital images $135
3. 25 cards (Birthday/Christmas/Thank You/Valentines) $50

Add addition prints 4x6 $5, 5x7 $10, 8x10 $25 

Add additional digital $25 each

9th Birthday Girl!
Baby Girl is 3 years old now!!!

#4 would like to say 'Thank you" for reading his mama's Blog!

#2 plays the saxophone! Every year he gets better and better, and I love to take photographs while he plays!

Of course Christmas photos!!!!!

I mentioned that they don't like to smile for me!! All year there are plenty of reasons to pop into the studio for a quick session, or give me a call and we'll meet on-location!! Children grow so quickly and there are dozens of reasons to shoot all year long!!! From Baby's first newborn photo session through Graduation! This "Kid's Club" is also good for Pregnancy to baby! Anything in your families year! (Except Homecomings, births, and Weddings) 

If you have any questions please feel free to ask!!

Photographer, Boutique Owner, Cheer Coach, Mother of Five, Wife, and Dreamer in Jacksonville, North Carolina. 


Saturday, July 29, 2017

Smash Cake Sessions!!

Smash the Cake sessions to celebrate first birthdays can be a lot of messy fun!!! 

Newborn photos are often precious babies curled up into poses sleeping in angelic classical portraits. As baby grows the sessions become more playful— getting baby to smile and laugh for the camera. Celebrating baby’s first birthday with a personal cake has been a tradition for quite a long time now; I’m pretty sure my dad has a photo of me putting my face into my first cake! A wonderful way to freeze time on this is with a styled session with a cake!! 

I like to start with simple portraits focusing on just your sweetheart— Before they’re covered head to toe in cake!!! 
Then, we give them the cake and watch them explore. Some instantly dig in immediately and  never bat an eye, others a little more cautious as they touch the icing, little bits at a time. 

Capturing the little details is my favorite part of these sessions. I just love little baby toes covered in icing. I have one of these for each of my children!!! 

Give me a call to schedule your little ones First Birthday Smash The Cake Session!! We can shoot in my office or on-location. I prefer to meet in my studio before the session so we can talk about the vision you have for your session, color schemes, themes, props you may have or I have so we can ensure you get exactly what you want! After the session you'll choose your images, and I also have prints and other products available. Printing with me guarantees the best quality!!

Photographer, Boutique Owner, Cheer Coach, Mother of Five, Wife, and Dreamer in Jacksonville, North Carolina. 


Posed Newborn In-Studio / Lifestyle Newborn Photography

What is the difference between in-studio posed newborn photography and lifestyle in-home photography with Flash Photo Studios? 

Sometimes expecting families will ask what the difference is, and I do the best I can to explain it in a quick few sentences. Today I will elaborate with a few images to show!!

Posed Newborn Photography: 

The mother and baby (sometimes dad and siblings) come into my studio and we take the time to snuggle baby to sleep, and using posing pods, bean bags, bucks, and many other props I take baby’s portraits.  
 If there is a family shot, it is often in front of a simple backdrop focusing on the family. 

Lifetsyle In-Home Newborn Photos: 

These are done in the families home. They’re still “posed” I’ll make sure that no one is sitting in an unbecoming way!! :) They’re on the couch, in the beds and bedrooms— sometimes the kitchen! Places where the family spends their time doing activities they do together. 

I hope this helps a little!!

For a quick guide on preparing for your newborn session:

Also, Available: 
I do not advertise for this, but I do understand that sometimes mamas do not want to bring their new babies out of the house after only a few days to a week, in which case I can bring my studio set-up to your home for the option to have both posed newborn and lifestyle family. Please ask me for details and pricing if you’re interested!!!

Photographer, Boutique Owner, Cheer Coach, Mother of Five, Wife, and Dreamer in Jacksonville, North Carolina. 


Monday, July 17, 2017

Milestones Don't Stop At A Year

     Everyone talks about “Belly to Baby” photography session options, and I have those, they’re wonderful!!! However, let’s not stop thinking about annual or semi annual shots of them as they grow. They still grow and change so fast, and those school photos often miss their personalities. Yes, their hair is combed and they may even be smiling, but they’re seated in the “year book” pose. I’m not knocking the year book photo, I have five children and I love their year book photos and I add them to their school memory book every single year, but their personality just isn’t in the photo. It’s not personal. 

I have two cheerleaders, a trumpet player, saxophone player, basketball player, baseball player, and a princess and you can’t see that in these photos. 

This year my 3rd daughter will be cheering for her school’s basketball team, thats a milestone. After 4 years at her elementary school she is moving upstairs and able to cheer— this is a milestone we’re excited to share with her, and I’m going to want some photos for her memory book. 
Whatever milestones are happening in your big kids lives, give me a call and let’s capture those moments!!

First Communion is a beautiful milestone!!! 
Studio and On-Site options!


                                                                                                                              Personalized sports photos are a fun session!!