Sunday, October 8, 2017

How old is to old? Newborn Photography Sessions.

The last two weeks I have been experiencing calls from a high number of stressed-out new mothers who have been told their 3-6 week old newborn baby is too old for a photography session. 

There is NEVER a bad age to have your children's portraits taken. Could it potentially be more difficult for a variety of reasons? Yes. BUT, that doesn't mean you should skip the session all together. This time only lasts so long, and they change so quickly, you'll be glad you did! 

Just because the "ideal" age is 5-10 days does not mean 3-4 week old babies won't do just as amazing-- and 5 days old does not guarantee a "perfect" sleeping posing baby. So many factors go into a session, and its always worth it to have them taken. It is true that newborn babies are much more sleepy during the first 14 days of life, they are often bright-eyed and very alert for much longer at 4 weeks +. Typically, the same "curled up" poses aren't an option for older babies, but that doesn't mean it is that way for all. It also doesn't mean you shouldn't have babies photos taken, we'll just discuss different types of posing options. 

Sometimes traumatic births happen, sometimes in-laws suddenly appear from out of town and things do not go as planned, please don’t give yourself more stress by worrying about numbers. Just like they say “Due Dates are just guesses, they’re not exact— all babies are different” … Same thing. “Ideal” photo session ages are a best guess too. 

I have had 6 week old babies sleep and curl up in precious and perfect posing positions that are something out of an angelic dream, and I’ve had 6 day old babies who have needed to come in twice (even 3 times once) because they were unhappy and just couldn’t settled, comforted. I don’t believe in forcing a session, if baby is unhappy it’s worth waiting another day or so because an unset baby often means an upset Mother, and I am not in the business of having upset mamas! 

On my webpage I give a little “How to Prepare for your newborn session” I have found these things work at most ages. 

One baby is 10 days, the other 3 weeks. Both are precious and perfect!! <3 <3 

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