Friday, February 3, 2017

Getting Ready for Headshots!

If you're a professional looking to have professional head shots taken, check out these simple tips!!

1. Clothes. Solid colors look the best. (Also, consider your brand) Bold patterns are often distracting and take away from YOU. If you do chose a pattern, I suggest a subtle one. 

2. Skin. Drink plenty of water the week prior to make sure you looking fresh, smooth, and hydrated! 

3. Nails. Sometimes your hands are in the shot, filed, with no chipped polish just in case is ideal. If you did get a manicure for them, let me know and I will make sure we see them! Seriously, fixing chipped polish is photoshop is NOT my favorite hobby!

4. Facial Hair. Prepare by by trimming, plucking and/or choosing a style for shaving facial hair about a week prior and possibly preparing a few days before. Knowing that plucking can leave red marks, bleaching irritates skin, and waxing is often inflamed be sure to do these things a couple of days before your session. (I may have done this to my teenager once and her eyebrows were painful! 

5. Make-up. Make-up can be so much fun, and you want to look your best, but don’t venture to far out of your normal, you want to be recognizable. If you don't typically wear BRIGHT pink eye shadow and wings, your head shot is not the day to start. 

6. Know what you want. You know what kind of style you’d like. Let me know, we’re in no rush and want to make sure you’re getting what fits your personal brand and style. I have plenty of poses, but knowing what you like is very helpful!

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